C & Fortran Local
For C: Download a compressed folder (DEMO_C.tar) containing DEMO_Getdata_C.c sample code, the getData.c function, some other configuration files, and the Makefile.
For Fortran: Download a compressed folder (DEMO_F.tar) containing DEMO_Getdata_F.f90 sample code, the getData.f90 function, some other configuration files, and the Makefile.
Direct link to github repository containing the compressed folder as well as other codes being run on the JHTDB backend.
Overview: The DEMO C or Fortran codes illustrate sampling velocities on a 2 D array of points generating a vtk output for plotting a velocity contour plot. Users can execute the C or Fortran codes on their local computer (or a HPC system), and it will query the database during execution.