NOTICE: Two new datasets (from a 32,768-cubed record-breaking DNS of isotropic turbulence and a strongly stable LES of atmospheric boundary layer) are now available. Also, the data access methods now include Python and Matlab, Fortran and C. If you are still using the old methods, please consider updating to the new ones (essentially replacing "getVelocity(..)", etc. calls with the new "getData(..)" function).
NOTICE: All services are functioning normally. For past announcements, please click here
Spatial and Temporal Methods
Database Spatial Operator Options:
✪ Field: Returns field values of the specified Physical Variable (e.g. velocity, pressure, temperature, density, etc.) at specified points and time.
✪ Gradient: Returns first order derivatives in three directions of the specified Physical Variable.
✪ Hessian: Returns all second order derivatives in three directions of the specified Physical Variable.
Database Spatial Methods Options:
Options for Spatial Operator=Field:
✪ none: No space interpolation (value at the datapoint closest to each coordinate value)
✪ lag4: 4th-order Lagrange Polynomial interpolation along each spatial direction [See Ref. 1, Appendix C.1] DOI
✪ lag6: 6th-order Lagrange Polynomial interpolation along each spatial direction [See Ref. 1, Appendix C.1] DOI
✪ lag8: 8th-order Lagrange Polynomial interpolation along each spatial direction [See Ref. 1, Appendix C.1] DOI
✪ m1q4: Splines with smoothness 1 (3rd order) over 4 data points. [See Ref. 2, Appendix 3] DOI
✪ m2q8: Splines with smoothness 2 (5th order) over 8 data points. [See Ref. 2, Appendix 3] DOI
Options for Spatial Operator=Gradient:
✪ fd4noint: No interpolation (value of the 4th order finite-difference evaluations at the datapoint closest to each coordinate value is returned) [See Ref. 1, Appendix C.1] DOI
✪ fd6noint: No interpolation (value of the 6th order finite-difference evaluations at the datapoint closest to each coordinate value is returned) [See Ref. 1, Appendix C.1] DOI
✪ fd8noint: No interpolation (value of the 8th order finite-difference evaluations at the datapoint closest to each coordinate value is returned) [See Ref. 1, Appendix C.1] DOI
✪ fd4lag4: 4th-order Lagrange Polynomial interpolation in each direction, of the 4th-order finite difference values on the grid. [See Ref. 1, Appendix C.1] DOI
✪ m1q4: Splines with smoothness 1 (3rd order) over 4 data points. [See Ref. 2, Appendix 3] DOI
✪ m2q8: Splines with smoothness 2 (5th order) over 8 data points. [See Ref. 2, Appendix 3] DOI
Options for Spatial Operator=Hessian:
✪ fd4noint: No interpolation (value of the 4th order finite-difference evaluations at the datapoint closest to each coordinate value is returned) [See Ref. 1, Appendix C.1] DOI
✪ fd6noint: No interpolation (value of the 6th order finite-difference evaluations at the datapoint closest to each coordinate value is returned) [See Ref. 1, Appendix C.1] DOI
✪ fd8noint: No interpolation (value of the 8th order finite-difference evaluations at the datapoint closest to each coordinate value is returned) [See Ref. 1, Appendix C.1] DOI
✪ m2q8: Splines with smoothness 2 (5th order) over 8 data points [See Ref. 2, Appendix 3] DOI
Database temporal Methods Options:
For all variables and derivatives listed above, the two options are:
✪ none: No interpolation (the value at the closest stored time will be returned).
✪ pchip: Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolation Polynomial method is used, in which the value from the two nearest time points is interpolated at time t using Cubic Hermite Interpolation Polynomial, with centered finite difference evaluation of the end-point time derivatives (i.e. a total of four temporal points is used). [See Ref. 1, Appendix D] DOI